eClass/ eSchool wins 2nd place Intertext World Scholars Cup Debate Open 2023 (IWSCDO)
🎯 After two intense and passionate days of competition with teams from Singapore, Malaysia, China, India, and more, Team NUTCASES (Dao Chi Nguyen – Truong Nhat Minh – Phan Anh) proudly secured 2nd place in the Junior Division.
🎯 In addition to the Runner-Up award, ECLASS/ ESCHOOL students achieved the following results:
👏👏👏 Three Junior teams and one Senior team reached the Quarterfinals: Powerpuff Girls, Nutcases, Debate with Rizz, and LND.
👏👏👏 Two Junior teams advanced to the Semifinals: Powerpuff Girls and Nutcases.
👏👏👏 One Junior team reached the Finals: Nutcases.
- Team Powerpuff Girls: Hoang Gia My – Phan Gia An – Ngo Phan Tue Minh (Junior Division)
- Team Nutcases: Dao Chi Nguyen – Truong Nhat Minh – Phan Anh (Junior Division)
- Team Debate with Rizz: Tran Bao Lam – Vu Song Thu – Pham Thao Nguyen An (Junior Division)
- Team LND: Nguyen Phuc Linh – Pham Vo Phuong Nghi – Nguyen Huu Khanh Dat (Senior Division)
👏👏👏 Top 5 Best Individual Speakers
- Dao Chi Nguyen – ESCHOOL (Junior Division)
- Nguyen Phuc Linh – ECLASS (Senior Division)
👏👏👏 Two Teams Won First Place in the Team Quiz
- Team Nutcases: Dao Chi Nguyen – Truong Nhat Minh – Phan Anh
- Team SSIS Dragons: Vo Tung Thien Kim – Ngo Yen Xuan – Cao Minh Khue
☘ Congratulations to all students who participated in the tournament with a spirit of learning, camaraderie, and utmost effort. We hope you had a rewarding experience and will continue to excel in your journey of self-development and regional debate competitions.
☘ A heartfelt thank you to the Debate Coaches at eClass/eSchool: Mr. Vinodhan Kuppusamy, Mr. Patrick Cheang, Mr. Raj Shankar Arumugam, and Ms. Tiffany Le Minh Tu for accompanying the students throughout this competition.